Accounting Portal Articles

Massachusetts Circular M – Withholding Tables

Massachusetts Income Tax Withholding Tables Effective January 1, 2012 in pdf include WEEKLY wage-bracket table method of Massachusetts income tax withholding, BIWEEKLY wage-bracket table method of Massachusetts income tax withholding, SEMIMONTHLY wage-bracket table method...

New York City Unincorporated Business Tax (UBT)

Subjects to this tax are Unincorporated Businesses included trades, professions, and certain occupations of an individual, partnership, limited liability company, fiduciary, association, estate or trust.  The business can be active or in the process...

California – Federal Unemployment Extensions

Congress and President Obama have reauthorized the federal extensions of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits for two months. The stop-gap measure takes UI claimants through the holidays and into the New Year with no interruptions...

2012 Federal Legal Holidays

Federal legal holidays for 2012 January 2— New Year’s Day January 16— Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. February 20— Washington’s Birthday April 16— District of Columbia Emancipa- tion Day May 28— Memorial Day...

California New Employee Registry

All California employers are required to report information about new employees to the California New Employee Registry. This includes all businesses, state and local government employers, nonprofit organizations, and household employers, regardless of the...

Free File (Federal Income Tax Return)

What is Free File?  Free File provides free federal tax prep and e-file for taxpayers, either through brand-name software or online fillable forms. This year, you have until April 15, 2014, to file and...

Free File Fillable Forms

Free File Fillable Forms is a FREE forms-based tool enabling you to: Self-select your federal income tax forms and schedules Fill in your tax information online Perform basic mathematical calculations Print your tax return...